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hazelnuts from wikipedia

hazelnuts from

Whether it be walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts, crushed nuts are a great addition to so many snacks and meals. Sprinkling nuts on salads gives it that extra crunch. And baking with nuts is another whole story.

One set back is that nuts tend to be a little expensive. But with the Williams Sonoma Nut Chopper you can now buy nuts in bulk and grind them down until they’re at your preferred size.

Just fill the top compartment, choose the setting size and turn the handle. The crushed nuts will collect in the bottom container.

nut chopper from williams-sonoma

nut chopper from williams-sonoma

The Nut Chopper allows you to crush nuts without the mess that often happens when using something like a mortar and pestle. The non-stick grip on the bottom of the device prevents it from sliding all over the counter.

The bottom compartment has measurements so that you can add the exact amount to your recipes. And it’s dishwasher safe!

It’s available for $16.00 from Williams Sonoma. So if you love the idea of using nuts for cooking then this is the gadget for you! Add them to cookies, pancakes, fish or chicken, and even try them on pizza. You’ll be nuts for nuts!

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