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It has been a nice 25 years but I must admit when I see your commercials for the final countdown of your shows it gives me the chills! I am not ready to say good bye yet even though you gave us a year to adjust and come to terms with your departure!

Afternoons won’t be the same without you!  Even if I was not able to watch every day there was always the next day and the next show, you were always there.

You have been in my home and I have shared many of my afternoons watching your show, learning and reading new books and some nice recipes too. But it is now countdown to the end and I eagerly away your final shows. It is bittersweet.

Thank you for sharing your life and interests with us –things you felt were important for us to know. Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for opening our minds and our hearts.

Weekday afternoons won’t be the same but we eagerly await your next chapter!

All the best Oprah from all of us at Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer where we raise money for breast cancer research one sweet at a time and love every minute of what we do! We too give from our heart and have raised over $500,000 for breast cancer research for Dana-Faber Cancer Institute.

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